These are the most recommended.  They are the systems to live by, by Williejay T. Strong.  These systems took Williejay over 20 diligently hard years to develop them.  And he is truly anointed; read about his life and discoveries that prove that (Click Here).  The systems that are on are:

Check Mate; the complete mate partnering system to use;

Friend-Love Artist; how to mate love;

Home Aides (coming soon); things to help you manage your home;

Life, and Love Healing (coming in the future);

Sharing the Love; how to get over loneliness;

Spiritual Core Preaching;

The Black Decline Collection; all the things Williejay has to say about what African-Americans must change;

The Life Vitamin; a great supplement to manage a better life;

Total Character Building;

Total Personal Organization and System Upgrade;

The Real Dope Business System (coming soon);